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Tips to Prepare Your Horseshoe Bay Home for Vacation This Summer. Sustainable living - 3d illustration with ecology icons on brown wooden background.

Tips to Prepare Your Horseshoe Bay Home for Vacation This Summer

July 12, 2024

You’re leaving for vacation! You’ve packed your swimsuit, made reservations, and bought some new outfits. Your excitement builds as you picture yourself lounging by the beach, sipping cocktails, and soaking up the sun; you can’t wait to go! But wait—what about your home? While you’re off having the time of your life, your Horseshoe Bay home needs some TLC to ensure it stays safe and problem-free during your absence.

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5 Common AC Problems. HVAC unit.

5 Common AC Problems

June 14, 2024

When your air conditioner (AC) is running at peak efficiency, you win. Below are 5 common AC problems.

Not only will your electric bills in Texas be cheaper––your AC system will last longer. Plus, your equipment will be operating at its best, so you will experience maximum comfort.

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Family sitting in front of fans.

3 Signs It’s Time For a New AC

May 17, 2024

Should you repair or replace? That’s always the big question when it comes to major home systems like air conditioning (AC).

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Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide. Woman watching technician installing a carbon monoxide detector in ceiling.

Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide

April 12, 2024

We often hear from Texas customers who want to understand the risks of carbon monoxide (CO). At All About Air, we’re glad to share as much information as possible about protecting your indoor air quality (IAQ)—especially when it comes to the deadly nature of this silent killer.

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Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important?

March 15, 2024

Although most Marble Falls homeowners understand the importance of having a working heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to provide heating and cooling throughout the year, some people don’t realize the equally important factor of controlling a home’s humidity levels as well. Our professionals at All About Air want to provide you with the…

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4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump. Professional Middle Aged HVAC Technician in Red Uniform Repairing Modern Heat Pump Unit. House Heating and Cooling System Theme.

4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump

February 16, 2024

So you are looking to invest in a heat pump. You are not alone––many Americans are making the switch. Why? For starters, heat pumps are generally more efficient than a traditional heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. What is more, they offer both heating and cooling, so they are versatile.

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the model of the house stands near the flame of a gas boiler.

How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

January 17, 2024

On a frosty winter’s day here in Texas, your gas furnace is hard at work, keeping your Marble Falls home warm and cozy. Feeling grateful? You’re not alone—it’s one of the most popular forms of heating, as American as apple pie. In 1919, New Jersey inventor Alice H. Parker filed a patent for the first gas-fueled…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Turning On and Off Frequently? - Woman Adjusting the Termostat.

Why Is My Heat Pump Turning On and Off Frequently?

December 13, 2023

Homeowners generally favor heat pumps for their efficiency. However, a number of common issues can cause them to run very inefficiently.

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Planning to Remodel? Go Ductless! Living room with red sofa and air conditioner.

Planning to Remodel? Go Ductless!

November 13, 2023

A ductless system, also known as a mini split, can add comfort to areas to your Texas home where ductwork cannot reach. Whether you are remodeling or adding new living space, our team at All About Air is ready to assist.

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Why Do I Need a Humidifier? Woman sitting on couch with eyes closed.

Why Do I Need a Humidifier?

October 16, 2023

Winter is right around the corner and with it comes freezing temperatures, frequent illness, and dry indoor air. If you struggle with discomfort during the winter in your Marble Falls home, you may benefit from investing in a humidification system. 

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